Dunwich Borers LLC

Richard Dunwich’s Washington, D.C.-based company made rock-tunneling drills. These mammoth engines of industry made possible the mining and resource extraction necessary for companies like Poseidon to thrive, for societies like pre-War America to be built, and for weapons like those used in the Great War to be produced.

Although a favorite of its industrial clients, Dunwich had a more sinister reputation among its workforce. They had an abysmal record of safety, keeping employees on through a combination of high paychecks and “morale-building” events that sought to sweep their accident rate out of the public spotlight. This neglect frequently claimed lives of employees and family members.

A persistent, but likely ridiculous rumor, holds these deaths were not as accidental as Dunwich claimed. Richard Dunwich, and his brother Constance Blackhall, were known for an obsession with the occult. A marble quarry where they tested their drills was known to cover the site of an ancient temple to dark gods, whose adherents routinely practiced human sacrifice. Some say the poor safety protocols at Dunwich facilities, and especially at the quarry, were a modern form of sacrifice intended to bring eldritch attention and supernatural powers to corporate leadership.None can say for certain, as Dunwich Borers, LLC and nearly all their records were destroyed in the Great War.


Dunwich Borers LLC maintained a mining and quarry operation in Charleston, SC for many years before most of their land to the City of Charleston as a part of the effort to build the Charleston International Airport.

After selling their land, they maintained a small quarry operation on the eastern edge of Charleston International Airport. It is unclear what material they were digging for, as no businesses in the area conducted business with them.