Vehicle Rules

The denizens of Charleston lived on the war before the War, and the tradition has continued as everyone from traders, fisherman, ferries, and raiders have taken to scrapping together watercraft to be used for on the rivers, marshes, and ocean of the Charleston Area. Along with watercraft, vertibirds and even some land vehicles have been restored and used in the area.

The following rules will go through vehicle statistics, basic rules, and how piloting and repairing them will work in the game.

Vehicle Stats

A vehicle has a small number of abilities used to define their skill tests, attacks, and other functions.

  • Level: This is a number that will determine the vehicle's abilities and the amount of caps the vehicle is worth when purchasing or selling.
  • Keywords: This is a listing of any keywords that describe the vehicle.
  • Passengers: This is a number of passengers (not counting the pilot) who can ride in the vehicle. Any additional passengers over this number (like from enemies boarding) lower the vehicle's Mobility by -1.
  • Durability: This is a number between 1 and 6. It determines how much damage it can take before becoming inoperable and how difficult it is to repair.
  • Mobility: This is a number between 1 and 6. It determines how quickly the vehicle can move, how difficult it is to hit, and how difficult it is to pilot.
    • A vehicle's total Durability and Mobility scores should add up to 2 plus half the creature’s Level (rounding up), but neither score can be below 1
  • Defense: The difficulty of attacks made against the vehicle. This equals half the vehicle's Mobility (rounding up) when being piloted and moving, otherwise it equals 0.
  • Health points: A vehicle's health points equal it's level plus it's Durability.
  • Damage Resistances: Just as with a player character, a vehicle's damage resistances reduce damage suffered before decreasing health points. Vehicles tend to have damage resistances from armored plating or specific build qualities. In most cases, these values will be the same for all locations, but some vehicles may have different damage resistances by location, which is noted in their entry.
  • Inventory: A listing of the equipment and other items the vehicle is carrying.

Piloting a Vehicle

In order to pilot a vehicle, you must succeed a PER + Pilot roll with a difficulty of 2 plus half the vehicle's Mobility (rounded down). In combat, the vehicle can move 1 plus half the vehicle's Mobility (rounded down) zones; however, on a failure you only move 1 zone. Out of combat, the vehicle replaces the passengers movement rating and equals 1 plus half the vehicle's Mobility (rounded down); on a failure it increases your rating by 1.

Attacking a Vehicle

When attacking a moving vehicle, the vehicle's defense is equal to half the vehicle's Mobility (rounding up) when being piloted, otherwise it equals 0.

Vehicle Hit Locations

Different vehicles have different hit locations based on their type.


1–2Wiring (prevents Pilot and Evasive Maneuvers actions until repaired)
3–17Hull (Reduces the vehicles Durability by one per critical damage to a minimum of 0)
18–20Engine (Reduces the vehicles Mobility by one per critical damage to a minimum of 0)

Repairing a Vehicle

In combat, repairing a damaged vehicle requires a INT + Repair test, with a difficulty of 2. This increases by +1 for each critical damage the vehicle has suffered. Passing the test restores health points equal to your Repair rating, repairs a critically damage part, or prevents a vehicle from becoming inoperable.

Outside of combat, an hour’s work on a damaged vehicle restores HP equal to twice the repairer’s Repair skill rating.

Vehicle Actions

All vehicle actions are Major actions.

  • Pilot: Make a PER + Pilot check with a difficulty of 1 plus half the vehicle's Mobility (rounded down). On a success, the vehicle can move 1 plus half the vehicle's Mobility (rounded down) zones; otherwise you can move 1 zone.
  • Evasive Maneuvers: Make a PER + Pilot check with a difficulty of 2 plus half the vehicle's Mobility (rounded down). On a success, the vehicle can increase its defense by 1.
  • Board: Attempt to board a moving vehicle with a AGI + Athletics check with a difficulty of 2. This increases by half the vehicle's Mobility (rounded down) if the vehicle is being piloted and moving.


Post-War Charlestonians have recovered a variety of vehicles from the wasteland.

Jon Boat

Level 9, Watercraft, Vehicle (4500 caps)

5 (All)6 (All)ImmuneImmune


  • 6 CD junk

Pontoon Boat

Level 9, Watercraft, Vehicle (4500 caps)

6 (All)5 (All)ImmuneImmune


  • 9 CD junk