
Consumables is a large category of items, covering all items which must be consumed to be used, and which naturally can only be used once per item (because after that, you’ve consumed it). They represent a necessary finite resource in the wasteland, something which survivors and settlers must seek out, either scavenging old homes and stores for supplies of preserved goods, cultivating their own food and water sources, or raiding from those who are better provisioned.

Apart from repair kits and Stealth Boys (which are in their own “other consumables section” starting on p.170), robot characters cannot use any consumables. Some models of Mister Handy can imbibe and even taste beverages thanks to advanced taste sensors, but they get no benefit from them, nor do they risk any of the drawbacks, and they don’t require food or drink to survive.

Irradiated Food and Drink

Some items of food and drink are Irradiated, contaminated with the radiation which is all-pervasive in the wastelands. When you consume irradiated food or drink, roll 1CD. If you roll an Effect, you suffer 1 Radiation damage, which ignores any resistance from equipment or armor.

Food Items

Baked Clam6--1122
Clam4-1 CD182
Clam Stew10Reduce the difficulty of CHA tests by 1, to a minimum of 0 until end of next scene-1603
Cooked Rice6--1202
Crystal PepStep3Immediately gain +1 AP1 CD1304
Gatorclaw Egg7-1 CD<1693
Gatorclaw Meat9-1 CD11103
Gatorclaw Omelette11If next scene is combat, gain 1 AP at the start of each turn-<1804
Gatorclaw Steak14May re-roll 1d20 on all AGI tests until end of next scene-11304
IsoReaper3-1 CD<182
IsoReaper Sauce3Reduce 1 CD when applied to irradiated food-<1204
NaPalmetto Sauce Packet0Reduce 1 CD when applied to irradiated food-<1103
Neo PepStep12Immediately gain +5 AP2 CD1605
PepStep4Immediately gain +2 AP1 CD1453
Rad Drum Meat4-1 CD141
Rad Drum Jambalaya10+2 Radiation damage resistance until end of next scene-1303
Rad Drum Skewers7--1152
Radcherry3-1 CD<153
Spiney Filet12May re-roll 1d20 on all INT tests until end of next scene-<1563
Spiney Meat8-1 CD<1362
Stalker Egg6-1 CD<1483
Stalker Egg Omelette9Cure all addictions-<1654
Stalker Meat9-1 CD1552
Stalker Steak12+2 Physical damage resistance until end of next scene-1653
Rice3-1 CD<151

Baked Clam

The easiest way to prepare clams and the preferred method for your wastelander on-the-go, the baked clam is made by seasoning and stuffing the clam shell and baking it an oven or over the fire. Once it's done you just pop the shell open and you have meal complete with a bowl to eat it out of!


Post-war clams resemble their pre-war ancestors except they are about the side of a human head and they can snap their shells closed fast enough to take off a hand or foot. The larger size and the rate at which they produce means clams have become a staple food source around the coastal Charleston areas. They can be eaten raw in a pinch, but most people prefer to bake them in the shell or cut them up and make a Clam Stew.

Clam Stew

A simple recipe of chopped clam meat, carrots, tatos, and a bit lot of wine slowly cooked into a stew. It's hearty, nutritious, and the smell is a reported aphrodisiac (though intimacy on a full-stomach of this stew a challenge for most.) The stew is served as a party dish across Charleston, with large pots being made as a centerpiece for celebrations like Carolina Day.

Cooked Rice

It's rice cooked in water. While it may not be exciting, it is is a solid and available source of calories for wastelanders in the Charleston area.

Gatorclaw Egg

A large egg laid by a gatorclaw. Dangerous to obtain, as gatorclaws lay them and hatch from them, but potentially valuable as they can be used in a few recipes which produce highly nutritious food. A Gatorclaw Egg is a key ingredient in Gatorclaw Omelettes.

Gatorclaw Meat

A cut of meat from a gatorclaw. Dangerous to obtain, as it can only be taken from a dead gatorclaw or someone who killed a gatorclaw, but valuable as they can be extremely nutritious, especially when properly prepared. Gatorclaw meat can be cooked to produce Gatorclaw Steak.

Gatorclaw Omelette

An omelette made from a Gatorclaw Egg. In addition to being highly nutritious, it stimulates the body, invigorating a person for a while after eating.

Gatorclaw Steak

A slab of cooked Gatorclaw Meat. Sufficiently filling and nutritious that it could easily be your only meal for the day, while also leaving you feeling energized for a while after eating.


A bio-engineered form of the habanero pepper originally developed by Lickmann's Sauce Company. It can be boiled down into a sauce that can help remove the radioactive effects of irradiated food, or used as irritant that will discourage even the most fierce attackers. Most settlements will grow an IsoReaper plant or two but generally no more as plants exude an irritating spicy smelling "sap", but the Red Eyes are famous for cultivating the plants en masse. A high enough concentration of IsoReaper can be used to recharge FCs slightly.

3x IsoReapers can be cooked and injected into a used FC to add an additional charge. This can only be done once a day per FC.

IsoReaper Sauce

While Sherri Lickmann of Lickmann's Sauce Company never saw her IsoReaper sauce make it to store shelves, it has become a popular pepper in the post-war Charleston area. It has become a precious commodity to overpower the less palatable flavors of found food, and the chunky sauce adds additional nutritional value.

Consuming IsoReaper Sauce along with irradiated food will heal 3 additional HP and reduce the radiation damage taken by Reduce 1 CD.

NaPalmetto Sauce

Produced by Lickmann's Sauce Company, NaPalmetto Sauce is a bright red hot sauce made from the Carolina Reaper. The acids and preservatives combined with packaging from Super Pack Co. helped maintain the sauce's edibility, and it has become a precious commodity to overpower the less palatable flavors of found food.

Consuming NaPalmetto Sauce along with irradiated food will reduce the radiation damage taken by Reduce 1 CD.

Rad Drum

Huge mutated red drum, rad drum can be found in inshore waters throughout Charleston and anywhere along the coast. Rad drum are the area's most popular food fish due to their size and availability in the estuary of the Charleston Harbor. Some fisherman claim seeing rad drums slamming into canoes and tipping their occupants into the water.

Rad Drum Jambalaya

Made from rad drum meat, rice, tato, and IsoReapers cooked together until the rice is done, this hearty meal fills you up while giving you a kick from the IsoReapers. A favorite meal of the radiation sensitive wastelander.

Rad Drum Skewers

Cubed rad drum meat stuck on a wooden skewer and cooked over a fire, rad drum skewers are an easy to make meal that travels well.


A mutated version of the North Star cherry, radcherries are a sour cherry that grow fairly well in the Charleston area. While generally they are too sour for most to enjoy straight, people do use them to make syrups to add to drinks like Neo PepStep.

Spiney Filet

A cooked piece of Spiney Meat. Not only a Charleston delicacy, it's a favorite among wastelanders as it can boost cognitive ability.

Spiney Meat

Meat taken from the body of a spiney, a mutated lion fish capable of slinging poisonous spines. Doesn’t look especially tasty, but it cooks reasonably well once you’ve remove the poison spines.

Spiney meat can be cooked to create Spiney Filet.

Stalker Egg

The egg of a swamp stalker. Not easy to get hold of, as they tend to be found in swamp stalker nests, and the large bird are notoriously territorial.

Stalker Eggs can be used to make Stalker Egg Omelette.

Stalker Egg Omelette

Made from a Stalker Egg, these omelettes are highly prized by those who make considerable use of combat drugs, as something about the food cleanses the body to remove chemical dependencies and addictions.

Stalker Meat

Meat taken from a swamp stalker, normally the breast and thighs. Difficult to obtain, as it requires killing a swamp stalker or taking it from something that killed a swamp stalker.

Stalker meat can be cooked to make Stalker Steak.

Stalker Steak

A cooked slab of Stalker Meat. The process of cooking the meat has reduced the radiation within below dangerous levels and enhanced the nutritional value. Further, eating Stalker Steak boosts your tolerance for pain for a while.


Rice is a common grain grown in the marshes of the Charleston area, and forms a major part of the local diet. It can be used in a variety of meals, or cooked and eaten straight.


10-121 + 2 CD glass bottles
13-151 Crystal Pepstep
16-172 Crystal Pepstep
181 Crystal Pepstep, 1 PepStep
192 Crystal Pepstep, 1 PepStep
201 Crystal Pepstep, 2 PepStep

Crystal PepStep

Crystal PepStep was the result of an experiment by Saddle Up Food and Beverage Co. to create a better water, with a slight sugary flavoring and "a healthy dose of caffeine" that was marketed heavily in the Southeast Commonwealth. It was a smash hit and became one of the most popular beverages to take on outdoor activities.

You receive 1 cap upon opening and drinking a bottle of Crystal PepStep.

Neo PepStep

A post-war cocktail and favorite among ghouls, Neo PepStep is made from adding radcherry syrup to PepStep. While the radcherries do give the drink a "blast" of nuclear flavor, it comes at the risk of increased radiation exposure.

You receive 1 cap upon opening and drinking a bottle of Neo PepStep.


Produced by the Saddle Up Food and Beverage Co. PepStep is a blend of fruit essence with a distinctive cherry flavoring and a deep red color. The refreshing taste and high sugar and caffeine contents of the drink make it an ideal pick-me-up for those needing a burst of energy.

You receive 1 cap upon opening and drinking a bottle of PepStep.