Confederated Southeast Settlements (CSS)

The Confederated Southeast Settlements (CSS) have formed a confederated republic composed of Senators from its settlements under the leadership of Sovereign Isaak Adams. Adams has expanded the CSS influence on the heels of the USAF’s retreat. With Sovereign Adams at the helm, the CSS has set up a fortified position in ‘del Mall and holds a majority of the area west of Charleston.

Due to the sizable militia that has formed around him as a cult of personality, the CSS is shifting towards an autocracy, with Sovereign Adams wielding absolute power.

Notable Members

The CSS operates under the leadership of a Sovereign elected by Senators who act as representatives for their respective settlement. Most of the settlements are rather small, with the three most prominent Senators coming from Hollywood, Kiawah, and Haut Gap.

Sovereign Isaak Adams

Sovereign Isaak Adams came to prominence after establishing the CSS militia, which follow him as a cult of personality. His "gentlemanly eloquence" masks a cunning and brutal leader. He tolerates the Senators as they mostly go along with his whims for fear of losing militia protection, but acts almost entirely on his own volition. He currently resides at ‘del Mall.

Militia Marshall Paul Rockwell

Paul Rockwell is Isaak Adams best friend, trusted confidant, and deadly right hand. He leads the CSS militia under direct order for Adams, and follows Adams' orders without question. He is currently stationed at Charleston Executive Airport which he recently took from the USAF. His victory there further solidified Sovereign Adams power base.


The CSS congress consists of Senators from each of the CSS settlements.

Wilbert Hardley

Wilbert Hardley represent Haut Gap.

Allison Lamb

Allison Lamb represents Hollywood.

Peter Sawa

Peter Sawa represent Kiawah