Sullivan's Hideout

In 1885, President Grover Cleveland appointed Secretary of War William C. Endicott to head a board to review the coastal defenses in light of newly developing weapons technology. The system that emerged, named for Endicott, again modernized the nation's fortifications. New batteries of concrete and steel were constructed in Fort Moultrie. Larger weapons were emplaced elsewhere on Sullivan's Island, and the old fort became just a small part of the Fort Moultrie Military Reservation that covered much of the island. As technology changed, harbor defense became more complex.

The world wars brought new threats of submarine and aerial attack and required new means of defense at Moultrie. Yet these armaments also became obsolete as nuclear weapons and guided missiles altered the entire concept of national defense.

Today Fort Moultrie has been restored to portray the major periods of its history. A visitor to the fort moves steadily backwards in time from the World War II Harbor Entrance Control Post to the site of the Palmetto-log fort of 1776.


Built in and around a pre-war fort on the northern entrance to the Charleston Harbor, the walls of Sullivan's Hideout provide protection from the elements, creatures, and raiders in the area. Renovated cannons help defend the northern entrance to the harbor from pirates, along with the cannons of Sumter and Battery City.

Not only do the cannons help hold off pirates, they also provide enough of a threat to keep Sullivan's Hideout out from under the thumb of the USAF.

Mayor Nick Penn with the help of mob justice keep Sullivan's Hideout a safe hub for merchants and fishermen.

Notable People

Sullivan's Hideout is a major settlement in Pleasant Sands and home to many notable Charlestonians.

Mayor Nick Penn

Mayor Nick Penn has been the Mayor for a really long time. As a ghoul, he has seen the place grow from an outpost to the thriving town it is today. He had to fight hard to see that vision realized, and he will defend it with his life. Mayor Penn leads a local volunteer militia, who don't really know the word "investigate". But mob justice has proven popular and has proven to be the great equalizer in town. Mayor Nick Penn doesn't plan on changing that.

He has no love for the USAF and works with Mayor Carla Chapin of Battery City to help keep the odds in their favor over control of the harbor. Their two cannon batteries to the USAF's one at Sumter have been enough of a threat - so far.

Edie Gibbes

Edie Gibbes runs the Sullivan's Island Fish Fry Shack, a general store that has a reputation for some tasty Rad Drum Skewers. She works closely with Mayor Nick Penn to make sure the merchants working out of Jasper Market are keeping their noses clean and paying their rent for storage. The storage fees go towards keeping the local armory stocked.

Earl Russel

Someone has to keep the lights on and the water pumps pumping, and that is Earl Russel's job. He's a bit of a savant, in that he couldn't tell you how he does his job. But when something needs fixing, Earl's your man.

Doc Erlich

Doc Erlich is not a doctor, but the town needs a doctor and his first name is Doc. So Doc has become the town's doctor. Doc's version of healthcare is to prescribe chems - which he sells - because Doc is a chem merchant.

Not a doctor.

Cleveland Simms

Cleveland Simms is tough, gruff, and has had enough of your shit. Despite his lack of eloquence, the man can lead a posse. When Mayor Nick Penn needs to whip up a mob, Cleveland Simms is his man.

Norman Ravenel

Norman manufactures and sells drugs chems out of Jasper Market. While he is a bit of a savant when it comes to making drugs chems, he is not a very good trader (he doesn't know his fours from his sixes.) He was sent to Sullivan's Hideout by the Ravenels after he burnt down a warehouse cooking day tripper.


Sullivan's Hideout is a fairly dense settlement, with the western-most part made up of the remains of the pre-war fort, and the eastern part consisting of two main streets. The northern street, Middle Street, runs through the residential potion of the area. The southern street, Poe ave., is where the market is located.

Fort Moultrie

A pre-war fort, this is where the armory and most municipal equipment is housed. The area is very well protected with the large walls provide a clear view of the surrounding area. There are four large restored pre-war cannons mounted on the walls pointing towards the Charleston Harbor.

Jasper Market

Built into the side of a pre-war battery, the Jasper Market provides merchants room to set up shop and secure areas below they can rent to store goods. The fees for selling at the market and storing goods help fund the armory that supplies the mobs that act as a the local militia.

Mugdock Castle

Mugdock Castle is a romantic and whimsical fortified home in the center of Sullivan's hideout. It serves as a town hall, community center, tavern, and home of Mayor Nick Penn.

Mugdock Castle consists of two buildings joined by a central stair tower and bailey. The Winter Hall and North Tower are located in the Gothic portion of the fortress. The Winter Hall is constructed of two foot thick Georgia granite walls. It houses the kitchen, dining hall, library, buttery, throne room, and minstrel gallery. The North Tower accommodates a small bed chamber as well as the casemate above. The northern ramparts of the tower are reached via ship's ladder from the casemate.

Middle Street

The main residential area of Sullivan's Hideout. It runs east and out of town towards Whispering Palms and Palm Island.


Fort Moultrie Park Map